Reserves Tab
Use the Reserves tab to enter the reservoir's reserves, either deduced directly from the Oil In Place or as a calculation based on volumetric data.
Technical Reserves and Actual Recovery
The reserves defined in a reservoir can be considered an upper limit of how much can be produced from a reservoir (technical reserves). The actual recovery is determined by the cumulative production from all wells drilled in the reservoir, and is only known after running the simulation.
During the project life reservoir fluids are extracted from those reserves as wells deplete them. PetroVR offers a runtime variable called Remaining Reserves to keep track of the current status of the technical reserves in each simulation step. See further in Runtime Variables.
There are three levels of detail available for the definition of reservoir volume:

Use the Input method to calculate the recoverable fluid based on a given Oil / Gas In Place and Recovery Factor; select Trap Volumetrics to calculate fluid in place using Rock Volume data; and Source & Trap Volumetrics to enter migration and timing ratios that may limit the fluid in place; it also allows assigning a Chance of Failure on each source parameter.
The following links offer quick access to some common options. See Well Node for the first six:
Add Exploration Well.
Add Appraisal Well.
Add Production Well.
Add Gas Injection Well.
Add Water Injection Well.
Add Dry Hole.
Reservoir Monte Carlo: Perform a Monte Carlo simulation limited to the volumetric calculation of the reserves. See more in Reservoir Monte Carlo.